Fáilte go Rang a Trí
Welcome to 3rd Class
We were awarded the Green Flag for Energy - Woohoo!
Well done to the Green Schools committee and all the children and adults in the school who are so energy conscious. Our National Spring Clean event was a huge success.
International Day
What a fantastic day! Thank you to all who took part. Here are some lovely displays put together by 3rd class children and their parents.
We loved Kate's Poland display! She also gave our class a lesson about Poland.
Swimming Lessons in Kilcornan are going Great!
Q. What shape helps to make a structure strong and stable?
This cube couldn't hold up our spelling notebook.
What can we do to make it more stable and strong?
What can we do to make it more stable and strong?
Answer: We discovered that triangles made our structures stronger and more stable. Now they could easily hold up our notebooks.
We applied our knowledge to make stronger and more stable bridges on the ipads. Our cars and trucks can cross safely.
We applied our knowledge to make stronger and more stable bridges on the ipads. Our cars and trucks can cross safely.
Saba the dog came to visit
Planting our Salad
Thanks Deirdre! We're looking forward to eating it soon!
Measuring Area
Investigating Static Electricity
We learned about the Buddhist festival Wesak which celebrates Buddha's birth, death and enlightenment. We made paper lotus flowers with lovely messages for our classmates hidden inside. When we put them in water the petals opened by themselves so we could read the message and guess who it was from.
Easter Bonnet Parade
3rd class you are so creative! These homemade hats are very impressive.
Investigating Tessellation and Symmetry in Maths
Will these shapes tessellate? Have you seen M.C. Escher's terrific tessellating art works? Do these flags have any lines of symmetry?
Happy Hearts for Valentine's Day
3rd Class and Junior Infants had lots of fun working together to create these happy "Mr.Hearty" hearts.3rd Class discovered more about the Roman origins of this spring feast day. Did you know the Carmelite Church in Whitefriar Street in Dublin City claims to hold the remains of St Valentine?
Engineers Week at NUIG
A super science workshop, a tour of the Zoology and Marine Biology Museum and a sunny walk through NUIG.
Irish Mammals - Report Writing
We've been learning about Spain. Irina is from Catalonia. She showed us some traditional clothing, answered lots of our questions and taught us the names of our body parts in Spanish using lots of post it notes! We even got to taste some delicious tortilla -yum!
Picasso inspired Portraits
The Year of the Horse

Click on the horse picture to hear a song we enjoyed singing about Chinese New Year and how it's celebrated all around the world.
We found out about the origins of the festival and looked at the Chinese zodiac. It turns out there are lots of monkeys in 3rd class!
Winter Landscapes
What's in the foreground of these paintings? Why are the trees in the background smaller?
The Celtic Explorer

One of the parents in 3rd class came to talk to us about his job as a marine biologist. He organised a fascinating tour of the The Celtic Explorer marine research vessel.

Look who we bumped into as we left the Christmas market to walk back to the bus!
Jarleth visited the class to tell us about his trip to Antarctica to do an ice marathon. We were very impressed and loved seeing his photos. Afterwards we researched more about Antarctica and wrote reports to share this information.
We made diya lamps out of clay to celebrate Diwali
The lamps were lit in rows along the road to welcome Rama and Sita back. Have you ever done something special to welcome back someone who has been away?
Oíche Shamhna
Our Trip to Coole Park for National Tree Day
We had a leaf hunt in the walled garden, made a human tree, imagined life there in Lady Gregory's time and walked through the woods.

While there were no swans to be seen on the day we visited, we took a moment to recite W.B. Yeat's poem The Wild Swans at Coole and enjoy the inspirational scenery.
Click this photo
to hear us reciting the poem.
Click this photo
to hear us reciting the poem.
We spotted a squirrel's drey high in the tree tops. Can you see it?
Back in the classroom we spent time investigating what we found.
We created beautiful leaf rubbings and planted some oak, ash and horse chestnut seeds.
We created beautiful leaf rubbings and planted some oak, ash and horse chestnut seeds.
Baboró Children's Theatre Festival
We went to see a play called Human Child which was based on another W.B. Yeat's poem we had been studying in class The Stolen Child.
After that we had a guided tour of illustrations from famous children's books at The Galway Arts Centre. Then we created our own characters.
Why don't you read some of our recounts of our trip to find out more about it:
After that we had a guided tour of illustrations from famous children's books at The Galway Arts Centre. Then we created our own characters.
Why don't you read some of our recounts of our trip to find out more about it:
Fun at the Playground
Amazing Magnets!
We investigated all sorts of materials in our classroom to find out if they were magnetic or not. We figured out how to get a paperclip out of a jar of water without touching it and then we designed mazes to challenge our friends to try and pull their magnetic material through them.