Do you teach the same subjects as other schools?
Absolutely. The curriculum followed is that set out by the Department of Education and Science. It is broadly based, encompassing the core subjects of English, Maths and Irish as well as Social, Environmental and Scientific
Education (History, Geography and Science), Arts Education (Visual Arts, Music and Drama), Social, Personal and Health Education and Physical Education. These are taught both as separate subjects and in an integrated way across the whole curriculum. You can view the curriculum here.
As a multi-denominational school we are required to have our own Spiritual, Ethical Curriculum which has been developed specially for Educate Together schools. It is called Learn Together.
Education (History, Geography and Science), Arts Education (Visual Arts, Music and Drama), Social, Personal and Health Education and Physical Education. These are taught both as separate subjects and in an integrated way across the whole curriculum. You can view the curriculum here.
As a multi-denominational school we are required to have our own Spiritual, Ethical Curriculum which has been developed specially for Educate Together schools. It is called Learn Together.