Please note we are no longer keeping these pages live - each child's personal learning journey is now recorded on their private Seesaw account.
Welcome to Rang a Ceathair!
Rang a Ceathair 2021 - 2022
Sowing Spuds
Rang a Ceathair have been learning all about planting potatoes. We started by chitting the seed potatoes. This means leaving them in a bright position for a few weeks to allow shoots to develop. We added peat-free compost to the raised bed to improve soil quality. We waited until after St. Patrick's weekend and for a few frosts to pass before putting the seed potatoes in the ground. We hope to harvest our spuds at the end of June. Watch this space!
Fastest Fingers in Fourth!
Iollan is a Rubik's Cube whizz. Watch the video below to see those fingers fly!
Oíche Shamhna / Hallowe'en
Some spooky students arrived to school on Friday!
Space Week Solar System Walk
4th Class combined learning about The Solar System with PE. Here we are making the biggest shapes possible with our bodies, next to Jupiter, the biggest planet.
Lá na gCrann / Tree Day
Chuaigh Rang a Ceathair ar shiúlóid sa choill ar Lá na gCrann. An aithníonn tú na crainn óna nduilleoga, a mbachlóga, a sméara, agus a gcnónna?
4th Class went for a walk in the woods for Tree Day. Can you recognize the trees from their leaves, buds, berries and nuts?
4th Class went for a walk in the woods for Tree Day. Can you recognize the trees from their leaves, buds, berries and nuts?
4th Class have already been out and about enjoying the woods near our school.
Rang a Ceathair 2020 - 2021
In SPHE, we worked in groups to discuss what feelings we might experience in different situations. We discovered that there were lots of different answers but all were correct!
An Unusual Visitor!
We had a different kind of visitor in school recently! Toothless, the bearded dragon, came in to see us. He seemed to enjoy being fed his mealworm snacks!
Forest Walks
4th Class started the year off on the right foot with some walks in the forest. As well as enjoying being outdoors, we looked at the leaves and fruit of beech, sycamore, oak, horse chestnut, holly, and hawthorn.
Rang a Ceathair 2019 - 2020
Sports Week - From Home!
Happy Sports Week from home everyone! Please send me any pictures and videos of you all having fun and being active and I'll post them here.
Here's Loric challenging me (Anna Mc) to see how many hops of the sliotar he can do on his hurl! He's full of energy and in it to win it!!
And here's Ruairí live from the Azures with his TRX workout on the Danú!!
Otis D has also been testing out his fitness and balance skills at home, well done! :-)
Jasmine and hr sister Ruby have been doing some cycling too.
It's been lovely to see all of you getting outside and staying active.
Well done!
Here's Loric challenging me (Anna Mc) to see how many hops of the sliotar he can do on his hurl! He's full of energy and in it to win it!!
And here's Ruairí live from the Azures with his TRX workout on the Danú!!
Otis D has also been testing out his fitness and balance skills at home, well done! :-)
Jasmine and hr sister Ruby have been doing some cycling too.
It's been lovely to see all of you getting outside and staying active.
Well done!
Ancient Romans Party!
We loved learning about the Ancient Romans in History. When we finished, we decided to have a big Roman party! We dressed up in togas and tunics, we ate delicious Italian food, and we played some games and filmed our Roman Reports. We also just happened to be doing weight in Maths so I decided to surprise everyone with a task of making their own play dough! We had a really fun day.
Look at the amazing effort everyone made with their outfits!
Look at the amazing effort everyone made with their outfits!
Length & Perimeter Maths Trail!
Heat Science
In Science we learned about Heat. First we learned about different types of heat; natural and man-made heat sources. Then we talked about all of the ways we use heat in our everyday lives.
Next, we focused on understanding the meaning and difference between Heat Insulators and Heat Conductors. We did an experiment to find out which material is the best conductor out of metal, plastic and wood.
We did this by putting a knob of butter at the end of a metal, wooden and plastic spoon and standing it in hot water. We made predictions about which one would melt the butter first and then watched and waited for it to happen...
… the butter melted off the metal spoon first, which told us that metal is a strong conductor of heat! We also learned that plastic and wood aren’t good conductors.
After learning about Heat Conductors, we learned about Heat Insulators. We talked about the different reasons we would want to conduct heat (like cooking) or to insulate heat (to keep your house warm!).
We decided to do an experiment to find out which material was the best Heat Insulator. We put hot water into a bottles and then wrapped it in different materials like wool, plastic, tinfoil and newspaper. Then we used a lazer thermometer and recorded the drop in temperature at 5 minute intervals in our science copies.
It turned out that wool was the best insulator in this case!
Next, we focused on understanding the meaning and difference between Heat Insulators and Heat Conductors. We did an experiment to find out which material is the best conductor out of metal, plastic and wood.
We did this by putting a knob of butter at the end of a metal, wooden and plastic spoon and standing it in hot water. We made predictions about which one would melt the butter first and then watched and waited for it to happen...
… the butter melted off the metal spoon first, which told us that metal is a strong conductor of heat! We also learned that plastic and wood aren’t good conductors.
After learning about Heat Conductors, we learned about Heat Insulators. We talked about the different reasons we would want to conduct heat (like cooking) or to insulate heat (to keep your house warm!).
We decided to do an experiment to find out which material was the best Heat Insulator. We put hot water into a bottles and then wrapped it in different materials like wool, plastic, tinfoil and newspaper. Then we used a lazer thermometer and recorded the drop in temperature at 5 minute intervals in our science copies.
It turned out that wool was the best insulator in this case!
Gardening Club
Here are some pictures of our green fingered Gardening Club showing their amazing work to the rest of 4th Class.
Joanne and Timmy have been working very hard on our school's garden all year. Then, a few months ago, they had the bright idea to start a Gardening Club every Wednesday at Big Break. They have been doing amazing work! Well done :-)
Joanne and Timmy have been working very hard on our school's garden all year. Then, a few months ago, they had the bright idea to start a Gardening Club every Wednesday at Big Break. They have been doing amazing work! Well done :-)
Clay Art
Check out some of the amazing Clay Art 4th Class made a little while ago :)
Buildings - Science
Our teacher challenged us to design and make a model of a building that...
1. Could fit on an A3 piece of paper
2. Could stand 35cm tall without falling over.
3. Looked interesting.
Here are our results!
1. Could fit on an A3 piece of paper
2. Could stand 35cm tall without falling over.
3. Looked interesting.
Here are our results!
Michelangelo Art!
We were learning about Italy in Geography and decided to learn about the famous Italian artist Michelangelo and his amazing paintings on the roof of the Sistine Chapelin Vatican City. Did you know he spent 4 years lying on a specially made platform where he could lie on his back and paint the ceiling at the same time! We decided to do an art lesson to see what that felt like. The verdict? 4th Class think it must have been really really hard work!
Ancient Roman Reports!
4th Class loved learning all about the Ancient Romans in history. Here's a feature length movie featuring many of our reports, LIVE from Ancient Rome! (We're getting great use out of our time traveling machine this year!)
Reuben le Cathy Davey - Seachtain na Gaeilge Concert!

reuben_in_e_-_snag.mp3 |
Reuben le Cathy Davey
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil tine i do phóca? Tine i do phóca?
Ag dul in éag, ag dul in éag.
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil aon rud i do mhála? Aon rud i do mhála?
An bhfuil tú réidh? An bhfuil tú réidh?
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x 2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom.
Reuben, cá bhfuil tú?
An bhfuil an ghrian ag taitneamh ann?
An ghrian ag taitneamh ann?
Abair liom, abair liom.
Táim ag fanacht anseo?
Leis an bháisteach ag titim,
An bháisteach ag titim.
Gach lá. Ó gach lá.
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom.
Ooooooooh x 4
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil tine i do phóca? Tine i do phóca?
Ag dul in éag, ag dul in éag.
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil fonn bóthair orthu? Fonn bóthair orthu?
Ná fág mé, níl mé réidh
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom. X 2
Ooooooooh x 3
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil tine i do phóca? Tine i do phóca?
Ag dul in éag, ag dul in éag.
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil aon rud i do mhála? Aon rud i do mhála?
An bhfuil tú réidh? An bhfuil tú réidh?
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x 2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom.
Reuben, cá bhfuil tú?
An bhfuil an ghrian ag taitneamh ann?
An ghrian ag taitneamh ann?
Abair liom, abair liom.
Táim ag fanacht anseo?
Leis an bháisteach ag titim,
An bháisteach ag titim.
Gach lá. Ó gach lá.
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom.
Ooooooooh x 4
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil tine i do phóca? Tine i do phóca?
Ag dul in éag, ag dul in éag.
Reuben, abair liom.
An bhfuil fonn bóthair orthu? Fonn bóthair orthu?
Ná fág mé, níl mé réidh
Curfá (Chorus)
Gach aon uair a chloisim thú
ligim béic mór asam.
(ay ay ah-ooh x2 )
‘S nuair a chloisim é
Is trua nach bhfuil freagra ann dom
(ay ay ah-ooh x2)
Nach bhfuil freagra ann dom. X 2
Ooooooooh x 3
Cá bhfuil Cóilín?
Here is our current Gaeilge novel, "Cá bhfuil Cóilín?" The boys and girls are reading one page aloud each night, hopefully this video will help with the pronunciation.
January Update!
Happy 2020 everybody! Here are some photos from the many activities we've been up to in 4th Class between Lego workshops, Gardening Club, PJ Day & Bake Off (to celebrate 4th Class filling our kindness jar!), IZAC9 co-operative Maths sessions, Sewing lessons and getting a special preview of the Coole Music Winter Concerts in our class!
Arts Flag for KETNS!
We are delighted to announce that our school was awarded Arts Flag which recognises our school as being proficient across the arts! The Arts Flag is sponsored by Acorn insurance and facilitated by Branar, Children's Theatre Company. While we were working towards getting our flag, we did a number of Drama sessions with Catherine Sheridan from Branar and had really enjoyed learning some new drama skills. Watch this space for when we have a celebration and raise our flag!
Santa Claus is Coming to Town on Ukulele!
Congrats to Lily D
- Overall winner of Clarin Photo Competition!
A HUGE congratulations to Lily Downes who was the OVERALL WINNER of the Clarin Photo competition. Her photo, "Evening Chat" was chosen as the overall winner of the children's photography competition, and will feature on the cover of the 2020 Clarin River Calendar. As part of her prize, our whole class have been invited to visit the Kilcolgan Oyster Farm!! We can't wait! We are so proud of Lily. Well done!
Climate Change News
- A film by 4th Class
Here is the Climate Change News by 4th Class. They wrote all of this themselves - they came up with the ideas, wrote their own lines/script, and brought in their own costumes etc. I think they did an amazing job!
Our Eco-Futures. A nightmare... or a dream?
Here's a short movie 4th Class made after our Arts Flag Drama Workshops. We decided that the world is at an important crossroads where our future will be decided... if we continue to destroy the environment, our future could be a nightmare. HOWEVER, if we make a change now and take care of mother Nature, we could look forward to a dream of a future! Watch...
Happy Halloween from Rang a Ceathair!
Halloween Maths trail
The rainy weather didn't dampen our spirits when Anna surprised us with a Halloween themed Maths Trail. We had to run around the yard to find some spooky clues and figure out some frightening maths mysteries. After, we were surprised by Mary Poppins (Jasmine) with some lovely creepy cupcakes.
Baboro Trip
4th Class had a fantastic time at our Baboro Trip to Galway City. We went to the Galway City Library, Galway City Museum and The Hall of the Red Earl. We went to see Baba Yaga in the Town Hall Theatre which we really enjoyed! We had such a fun day.
October Pictures
Here are some pics from October in 4th Class where we made fraction walls, finished making our Viking Shields and had a visit from Dog's Trust.
Our Viking Presentations!
In September, our history topic was The Vikings in Ireland! We absolutely loved learning about the Raiders, Traders and Settlers from Scandinavia. Did you know it was the Vikings who founded our capital city, Dublin?
Check out this great interactive website with lots of Viking info...
We learned all about their origins, their daily lives, their myths and legends and the famous Battle of Clontarf. Then in art, we made our own Viking Longships, big viking shields and we wrote notes in Viking Runes.
Finally, we made some short movies to show off some of the facts we had learned. We magically traveled back in time for some fantastic filming locations back in Viking Times. You won't believe your eyes!
Check out this great interactive website with lots of Viking info...
We learned all about their origins, their daily lives, their myths and legends and the famous Battle of Clontarf. Then in art, we made our own Viking Longships, big viking shields and we wrote notes in Viking Runes.
Finally, we made some short movies to show off some of the facts we had learned. We magically traveled back in time for some fantastic filming locations back in Viking Times. You won't believe your eyes!
September News from Rang a Ceathair
September has completely flown past and it's been a busy month full of fun and learning.
Here's a few photos of some of our activities...
We took a trip to the Forest and Walled Garden to show some new faces in our class the amazing nature surrounding our school.
Here's a few photos of some of our activities...
We took a trip to the Forest and Walled Garden to show some new faces in our class the amazing nature surrounding our school.
We were learning about time in Maths and made our own clocks. We learned about the famous artist Andy Warhol in Art and made some of our own Pop Art Prints!
Fionnuala (Junior Infants Teacher) had a dear friend visiting from Australia. She is a fantastic artist, and we were lucky enough to have her drop in and tell us all about her travels and her amazing art.
Our school is working on getting our Arts Flag (a flag that rewards existing excellence in arts activity in schools). We have been working on drama as our chosen art form and have been doing some super fun drama sessions with the Drama facilitator Catherine from Theatre Company Branar.
Finally, here are some trailblazers from our class! Lily and Dearbhla took part in the Strike for Climate Change movement in Galway and ended up in the paper! And Izzy spent a weekend working hard on an independent project to showcase her love for wild horses.
Well done everyone on a busy and productive first month in 4th Class!
Well done everyone on a busy and productive first month in 4th Class!
4th Class Movies!
Here are some movies we made during our last week of school. We absolutely loved making them, we hope you enjoy watching them! :-)
Some pictures from the last few months...
Here are some pictures of 4th class doing what we do best... having fun while we learn!
Ukulele pics!
Tessellating Station!
Ár Scoil!
I ndeireadh na dála (After All)
by the Frank and Walters
After All – The Frank and Walters
I ndeireadh na dála, táim i ngrá leat.
Tar éis an méid a tharla dúinn.
Bímid ag troid, agus cuirtear an grá ar leathtaobh,
Fós bíonn gach rud tharr barr.
I ndeireadh na dála, teastaíonn tú uaimse,
Ní fios dom conas feidhmiú gan tú.
Ag deireadh an lae, 's tú i gcónaí anseo le mo thaobh,
Táim sásta go bhfuil tú liom.
Uaireanta, bíonn mearraí orm a ghrá,
Ar chursaí a tharlaíonn ins an domhain,
Is smaoinním ort mar grá mo chléibh,
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Nuair a táim as baile is uaigneach,
Is smaoiním ar mo shaol.
Smaoiním ortsa, 's na rudaí beaga a tharla,
Táim sásta go bhfuil tú liom.
Uaireanta, bíonn mearraí orm a ghrá,
Ar chursaí a tharlaíonn ins an domhain,
Is smaoinním ort mar grá mo chléibh,
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Ba da ba, ba ba da ba ba ba (x 6)
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Ba da ba, ba ba da ba ba ba,(x 3)
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
I ndeireadh na dála, táim i ngrá leat.
Tar éis an méid a tharla dúinn.
Bímid ag troid, agus cuirtear an grá ar leathtaobh,
Fós bíonn gach rud tharr barr.
I ndeireadh na dála, teastaíonn tú uaimse,
Ní fios dom conas feidhmiú gan tú.
Ag deireadh an lae, 's tú i gcónaí anseo le mo thaobh,
Táim sásta go bhfuil tú liom.
Uaireanta, bíonn mearraí orm a ghrá,
Ar chursaí a tharlaíonn ins an domhain,
Is smaoinním ort mar grá mo chléibh,
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Nuair a táim as baile is uaigneach,
Is smaoiním ar mo shaol.
Smaoiním ortsa, 's na rudaí beaga a tharla,
Táim sásta go bhfuil tú liom.
Uaireanta, bíonn mearraí orm a ghrá,
Ar chursaí a tharlaíonn ins an domhain,
Is smaoinním ort mar grá mo chléibh,
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Ba da ba, ba ba da ba ba ba (x 6)
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Ba da ba, ba ba da ba ba ba,(x 3)
Tá mé buíoch go bhfuil mé leat 's tú liom.
Páistí den Bogha Báistí
(Ukulele song for Seachtain na Gaeilge Concert)
Páistí den Bogha Báistí
C - Táimid ar bís,
Am - tEarrach ar ais arís.
C - Fuair an Gheimhreadh bás,
Am - Tá bláthanna ag fás.
F - Fáilte romhat an ghrian,
Am - An liathróid mór deas buí.
F - 's tar éis tamaillín,
Am - Feicimid an bogha báistí.
C (D D D UD) C (D D D UD)
Am (D D D UD) Am (D D D UD) x2
C - Chomh dearg le sú talún,
Am- Chomh oráiste le cairéad mór,
C - Chomh buí leis an ghrian sa spéir,
Am Chomh glas leis an ghairdín le féar,
F - Chomh gorm le míol mór óg
Am - Chomh corcra le sméar dubh,
F - Chomh bhialait le éan draíochta,
Am - Sin iad ár dathanna.
C (D D D UD) C (D D D UD)
Am (D D D UD) Am (D D D UD) x2
C - Is sinne páistí,
Am - den bogha báistí.
X 4
C - Táimid ar bís,
Am - tEarrach ar ais arís.
C - Fuair an Gheimhreadh bás,
Am - Tá bláthanna ag fás.
F - Fáilte romhat an ghrian,
Am - An liathróid mór deas buí.
F - 's tar éis tamaillín,
Am - Feicimid an bogha báistí.
C (D D D UD) C (D D D UD)
Am (D D D UD) Am (D D D UD) x2
C - Chomh dearg le sú talún,
Am- Chomh oráiste le cairéad mór,
C - Chomh buí leis an ghrian sa spéir,
Am Chomh glas leis an ghairdín le féar,
F - Chomh gorm le míol mór óg
Am - Chomh corcra le sméar dubh,
F - Chomh bhialait le éan draíochta,
Am - Sin iad ár dathanna.
C (D D D UD) C (D D D UD)
Am (D D D UD) Am (D D D UD) x2
C - Is sinne páistí,
Am - den bogha báistí.
X 4
4th Class are so excited about starting our Ukulele lessons! Here are some pictures to help you get to know the basics...
Some Buddhism Information

Buddhism Information |
Dráma as Gaeilge
Mac Book Projects
We have loved using the school's new laptops to make some Geography Projects based on Counties in the Province of Connacht.
Take a look at some of our projects below!

group_1.pptx |

group_4.pptx |

group_5.pptx |
Forest Walk
Rugby Training and Blitz
Thanks to Dermot from Gort Rugby Club for visiting our school for a few weeks and inviting us to take part in a school's rugby blitz. We had a great time and can't wait to play lots more rugby.
Baboró Day Out!
We had a fantastic day for our Baboró day out this year. We squeezed sooo much into our day. We went to see an art exhibition in the Galway Arts Centre, we went for a walk in the Claddagh and played in a park looking over the historical Spanish Arch. We also went to the Galway City Museum and had a private tour. Next we visited the Hall of the Red Earl and finally... we used the last of our energy to go see the fantastic play called Narrow as part of the Baboró Children's Festival. A big thank you to all of the parents who helped out on the day.
Oh, and we also made some lovely art with cardboard boxes based on the set of the Baboró play Narrow.
Happy Halloween!
September Stuff
We can't believe September is almost over already! We've had a brilliant first month of 4th Class and have learned lots about Sound, The Vikings and Connacht in S.E.S.E. We've started out Lit Circles and have made lots of art, played lots of music, worked out lots of sums, written some fantastic work and even started working on using the new macbooks to make some group projects.
Go to this website for a fantastic interactive site about the Vikings in Ireland...
Here are some pics of us enjoying D.E.A.R. time (drop everything and read time) in the library, working collaboratively to make Viking Long Boats in Art, and a pic of our fantastic Maths Art based on Lines and Angles.
Keep tuned for more updates and pics over the year.
Go to this website for a fantastic interactive site about the Vikings in Ireland...
Here are some pics of us enjoying D.E.A.R. time (drop everything and read time) in the library, working collaboratively to make Viking Long Boats in Art, and a pic of our fantastic Maths Art based on Lines and Angles.
Keep tuned for more updates and pics over the year.
Memory Bags
Here are some pics of our Memory Bags lesson. In MindUp, we've been learning about our Hippocampus which is responsible for our memory and recall of information. To stretch our Hippocampus we all brought in some items that remind us of happy memories and then presented them to our class. It was really lovely to see everyone's special items and hear the stories behind them.
Sound Explorers!
In Sciene, we have been learning about Sound. Here we are using a few bits and bobs to explore pitch, sound sources and how sound travels through objects.
Rang a Ceathair 2017 - 2018
Alexander Calder inspired Art
Look at these absolutely amazing paper sculptures we made inspired by American Sculptor Alexander Calder. They look like a wild and colourful rollercoaster park! It was also a great way to use up odd scraps of paper towards the end of the year!
The Haka!
In History, we have been learning about the fierce Maori people of New Zealand. We have lots of All Blacks fans in our class so we decided to learn the history, lyrics and moves of the Ka Mate Haka! Check out one of our groups who made up their own choreography for a Haka!
Surf Art
Inspired by our Surfin' School Tour we decided to make surf themed art. Some of the children created their own masterpieces while others joined Anna in a Bob Ross style step by step lesson where they could practice some painting techniques.
Roman Helmets - Ancient Roman Art History
We made these super Ancient Roman Soldier Helmets from papier maché while we were learning about the Ancient Romans! I think they look so impressive!
We had the best time on our school tour, surfing in Lahinch. We were so lucky to have such lovely weather, lovely waves and lovely memories! Thanks to all of the parents who helped out on the day. We'll never forget our brilliant day!
Capacity Challenge!
We were learning about Capacity in Maths when Anna surprised us with a crazy capacity challenge. We worked in teams and had to try to gather the most water possible in a bucket. The catch was... first, you had to answer a capacity based maths question on a whiteboard. And then you had to carry as much water as you could in a sponge all the way back to your team's bucket! It was so much fun!
Survival Skills in the Forest
Based on our class novel "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, we went to the forest to try out some survival skills. Here is the shelter we made using natural resources from the forest floor. We worked as a team to build this, and we think we did a great job!
Student Led Conferences
Thanks to all of the parents who came to see the the fantastic work we have been doing in 4th Class. Well done to my fantastically talented 4th Class!
A Visit from Alice's Granny - Ireland in the 1950's
We were treated to a really interesting and informing talk from Alice's Granny about life in Ireland in the 1950's. It was so interesting to learn about all of the differences from lives back then compared to our own lives today. Thanks you Mary!
A lecture on Light!
Thanks so much to Hannah Beth's dad Gary for coming in to teach us a fascinating lesson on Light. We were so inspired by his prisms that afterwards we decided to make some Kaleidoscopes!
We made Marionettes in art and then made a little movie to show off how we can make them move!
Ár Scoil le Rang a Ceathair
Éadaí, gearr-scannán le Rang a Ceathair
Obair Bhaile - Scannán le Rang a Ceathair
Aislingí (Dreams by the Cranberries as Gaeilge)
Aislingí (Dreams by the Cranberries)
Ó mo shaol ag athrú gach lá, I ngach aon slí mar is gá
Mo chuid aislingí, Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí
Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí.
Ach mhothaigh mé mar seo cheanna
Anois mhothaím níos mó é la, Mar gur tháinig sé uaitse.
Agus anois im dhúiseacht cím, gur mise tá ag titim síos
Slí difriúl mar a bhí.
Ah, la da ah, lah da ah, la, la...
Ba mhaith liom, I bhfad níos mó im shaol
I bhfad níos mó im shaol.
Éireoidh liom, faoi sin níl aon bhaol
Faoi sin níl aon bhaol
Anois tá mé ag rá leatsa, go bhfuil agat mó chroí, ná bris
Don rud ná féadfainn fail.
Abair liom le do intinn mhór, tuisceannach le smaoineamh úr
Is tú mó uile ní.
Ó mo shaol ag athrú gach lá
I ngach aon slí mar is gá
Mo chuid aislingí
Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí
Is tusa aisling dom
Aisling dom
Ah, da, da da da, da, la...
Ó mo shaol ag athrú gach lá, I ngach aon slí mar is gá
Mo chuid aislingí, Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí
Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí.
Ach mhothaigh mé mar seo cheanna
Anois mhothaím níos mó é la, Mar gur tháinig sé uaitse.
Agus anois im dhúiseacht cím, gur mise tá ag titim síos
Slí difriúl mar a bhí.
Ah, la da ah, lah da ah, la, la...
Ba mhaith liom, I bhfad níos mó im shaol
I bhfad níos mó im shaol.
Éireoidh liom, faoi sin níl aon bhaol
Faoi sin níl aon bhaol
Anois tá mé ag rá leatsa, go bhfuil agat mó chroí, ná bris
Don rud ná féadfainn fail.
Abair liom le do intinn mhór, tuisceannach le smaoineamh úr
Is tú mó uile ní.
Ó mo shaol ag athrú gach lá
I ngach aon slí mar is gá
Mo chuid aislingí
Níl sé ciúin mar a bhí
Is tusa aisling dom
Aisling dom
Ah, da, da da da, da, la...
The Science of Light!
We've been learning about the science of light. We started with recognising the difference between natural and man-made light and then looked at how lights can be reflected. We experimented in partners with reflective CDs and sheets of paper to see how we could reflect the sunlight around the school yard!
MONSTERS!! ('Sew' scary!)
Let it sew, let it sew, let it sew!
4th Class had our first sewing session yesterday with the fantastic help of two lovely parents (thank you Elena and Georgina!). Some of us had never threaded a needle before, but by the end of our session we had all practiced the running stitch and an edge stitch. We're looking forward to our next project in the run up to Christmas!
Fighting Words - Writer's Workshop
We recently attended the Fighting Words Writer's Workshop which is run by some fantastic parents from our school. We worked together as a class to create some very *interesting and original* characters and we collaborated on an original story about Beltbuckle, the Galactic Leprechaun and his quest to find the Golden Planet. Thanks Anna and Cathy for having us, we really enjoyed the session!
Maths Fun
Here's some pictures of us having fun with Maths recently. We used fake money to complete a shopping challenge when we were studying Money, and check out our beautiful designs to show how good we are at Symmetry!
Grease by Seamount College
What a treat! We went to see Grease the musical, performed by students from Seamount College and we loved all of the singing, dancing and performances!
Halloween Themed PE!
To celebrate Halloween, we had a spooktacular PE lesson where we had to carry the 'pumpkin' between our knees and practice our aim using mini-pumpkins. We had loads of fun!
Tree Week Forest Walk
Our teacher Anna Mc invited her friend who works as a Forester to come and tell our class about his job. He then brought us on a guided walk of our local forest where we went on a hunt to find as many different species of leaves, nuts and branches as we could. Aren't we so lucky to go to school right beside this beautiful forest!
Oyster Festival Visit
We were very lucky to have the Galway Waterways Officer Catherine Seale visit our class to coincide with the Clarinbridge Oyster Festival. She told us all about the habitat of the Clarin River and even showed us how to shuck a fresh oyster. Thanks to the Oyster Festival for treating us to this brilliant presentation.
Memory Bags
We've been learning about our brains and our memories and as part of this we decoded to shares some things that remind us of happy memories from our past. Anna gave each of us a bag to put some items that bring up happy memories and we all had a turn talking about our specials belongings in class. We then went on to write some lovely poetry based on our memory bags!
Viking Ships
In History we were learning about the fearsome Vikings and their raids on Ireland so we decided to work in groups and make our very own long ships! There's loads of interesting information about Viking Long Ships on this website, check it out!
Human Lines and Angles
In Maths we were learning about Lines and Angles so we decided to use our bodies and buddies to show off how well we understand all of the different types such as, obtuse angles, acute angles, straight angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines and right angles. Take a look and see if you can guess which one we were making in the pictures.
Galway Hurlers Visit!
We were so proud of the Galway Senior Men's Hurling Team when they took home the Liam McCarthy cup after a victorious All-Ireland Final... and what a game it was! We were absolutely honoured when the team came to visit our school and took the time to sign autographs and let us hold the famous cup.
4th Class 2017-2018
On Wednesday September 17th we celebrated Roald Dahl day with a study of his personal History, reading some of our favourite stories by him and then by re-imagining and designing artwork for his famous books. We then tuned in to the live Podcast on-line which featured celebrity readers and an interview with the fantastic illustrator Quentin Blake. We loved every minute of it!
4th Class 2016-2017
3D Shapes
We've been learning about 3D Shapes in Maths so we decided to try to make our own out of marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We made prisims, cubes, cuboids and pyramids... and then we ate the leftover marshmallows afterwards! Learning can be very 'sweet' sometimes!
Born to be BAD...Minton Players! :-)
We have been learning to play Badminton for the last few weeks with two FANTASTIC and very talented teachers; Karina and Annie (Eli and Nell's mums). Everyone has been really enjoying these lessons and we have a group of real naturals in the class! We're very lucky to have Karina and Annie give their time to us, thank you from everyone in 4th Class!
The Sun, Shadows and UV Rays
Recently, 4th Class were learning about the Sun and we experimented with the movement of the Sun throughout the day by recording our shadows at different times of the day. Next we learned about UV Rays and the dangers of being exposed to the sun. To experiment with this, we used UV Sensitive Beads which change colour when exposed to the Sun's UV Rays. We had to design a shelter to protect the beads and test them out to see if they worked. One very important thing we learned was that UV Rays can still reach our skin, even on cloudy days so it is important to always protect out skin with sunscreen.
May the Force be with you!
In Science we learned about force and experimented with the effect of force by making Balloon Rockets and figuring out the way to make them travel the furthest.
Maori Ta Moko
We have been learning about the Maori's from New Zealand in History, so we decided to make some art inspired on the Maori people's fierce face tattoos, or Ta Moko in Maori. We love how they turned out!
School Spring Clean!
The whole school worked together and did a massive Spring Clean of the school and surrounding grounds. 4th Class picked up and sorted rubbish around the Kilcornan Pool and Car Park. We found a packet of crisps that some Scatterpillar had discarded 20 YEARS AGO!!
Easter Bonnet Parade
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2017!
Bhain muid an-taitneamh as Seachtain na Gaeilge i mbliana!
Léigh muid cúpla scéalta Ghaeilge le na Naíonáin Bheaga agus bhí Tráth na gCeist againn le rang a Cúig agus a Sé.
Bhí Seó Faisean ar an téama 'an tÉireannachas' againn freisin agus bhí na héadaí agus éide bréige go hinotach!
D'fhoghlaim muid 'Riptide' le Vance Joy agus chan muid é os comhair na ranganna eile.
Léigh muid cúpla scéalta Ghaeilge le na Naíonáin Bheaga agus bhí Tráth na gCeist againn le rang a Cúig agus a Sé.
Bhí Seó Faisean ar an téama 'an tÉireannachas' againn freisin agus bhí na héadaí agus éide bréige go hinotach!
D'fhoghlaim muid 'Riptide' le Vance Joy agus chan muid é os comhair na ranganna eile.
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard
We've loved learning this song by Paul Simon. It makes us want to get up and dance! We also love thinking about what the lyrics might mean. Who is Julio? Who is the speaker? What did they do that was so bad that Mama Pajama rolled out of bed and went straight to the police station? Why did Papa shout when he found out? Who is the Queen of Corona? We have created our own back stories for the lyrics and have been working them out in Drama.
Maths Fun!
Here's a few pictures of Rang a Ceathair having fun with Maths!
While learning about Weight we made our very own playdough and gave it as a gift to Junior Infants.
While learning about Pattern we used Tangrams to show that we can make 3 and 4 part repeated patterns.
While learning about Perimeter in Length we went outside and used the school grounds to measure perimeter and did some hands on perimeter problem solving!
While learning about Weight we made our very own playdough and gave it as a gift to Junior Infants.
While learning about Pattern we used Tangrams to show that we can make 3 and 4 part repeated patterns.
While learning about Perimeter in Length we went outside and used the school grounds to measure perimeter and did some hands on perimeter problem solving!
Whether the weather will be good...
We learned about different ways to read the weather and made some of our own weather reading instruments like anemometers, wind vanes and rain gauges before putting them to the test ourselves!
Author Visit
Thank you to Marguerite Tonery for visiting our class in March to speak to us about her 'Kapheus' book series. She read excerpts from her books which are fantasy based on Irish mythology. We really enjoyed meeting her!
Spring has Sprung!
Hooray! Winter is over and Spring has Sprung. We wrote some Spring themed Haiku's to celebrate and we also learned about musical style based on this famous Spring song.
Here are three different versions of the same song, all played in very different styles. Listen to them and think about ways you might compare and contrast them. Which is your favourite and why?
Here are three different versions of the same song, all played in very different styles. Listen to them and think about ways you might compare and contrast them. Which is your favourite and why?
Buildings and Architects
In Geography we spent some time learning about buildings and the work of the Architect. We learned about our new school building and how it was converted from old cottages into the beautiful school it is today.
We then learned about the work of the Architect and decided we would design a building; a new sports hall for our school. We made drawings of the grounds of the school to decide where the Hall could go. Next we thought about how we would make our sports hall both appealing and functional. Then we designed blueprints of our new building before finally drawing the outside of our buildings based on interesting architecture from around Ireland. Anna our teacher thinks there may be lots of budding architects in 4th Class!
We then learned about the work of the Architect and decided we would design a building; a new sports hall for our school. We made drawings of the grounds of the school to decide where the Hall could go. Next we thought about how we would make our sports hall both appealing and functional. Then we designed blueprints of our new building before finally drawing the outside of our buildings based on interesting architecture from around Ireland. Anna our teacher thinks there may be lots of budding architects in 4th Class!
Ancient Roman Artwork
4th Class have created lots and lots of art based on the Ancient Romans. We've made Mosaics, Clay Roman Coins and Busts (based on our own heads), and Roman Pottery made from Papier Maché. We learned that samples of these types of art can tell us lots about Ancient Roman ways of life. For example, we can see what people looked like back then, the kind of clothes they wore, how they wore their hair, the types of things they did in the spare time, the types of things that interested them and what their homes looked like. It can also be a great sample of Roman Numerals in use.
Look at the gallery below to see our fantastic Roman pottery.
Look at the gallery below to see our fantastic Roman pottery.
Ancient Roman Music
We have been learning loads about the Ancient Romans. In music class we listened to what Historians believe Ancient Roman music sounded like and wrote some poetry inspired by it.
(Synaulia is a team of musicians, archeologists, paleorganologists and choreographers dedicated to historical research of ancient music and dance, in particular to the ancient Etruscan and Roman periods)
(Synaulia is a team of musicians, archeologists, paleorganologists and choreographers dedicated to historical research of ancient music and dance, in particular to the ancient Etruscan and Roman periods)
Nollaig Shona Daoibh ó Rang a Ceathair!
We said goodbye to 2016 in style in Rang a Ceathair with a lovely last day of term. We all wore our Pajamas and crazy hair to fund raise for Educate Together. We brought in some breakfast snacks and ate together in the morning. Then we played some fun party games like Christmas themed Pictionary and Charades. Then, Anna challenged us to make the tallest 'Ice Tower' possible using paper plates and cups in only one minute. After that, we had a 'Snow Fight' where we had to try to throw cotton balls into our partner's cup on the other side of the classroom. We even had a disco and catwalk where we danced and showed off our amazing hair and outfits.
Earlier in the week we made Northern Lights Art, we presented the projects we had been working on about Countries with Cold Winters and we all chose a piece of writing to read to the class.
We hope you all have an amazing break. Here's to a fantastic, fun and happy 2017! :-)
Earlier in the week we made Northern Lights Art, we presented the projects we had been working on about Countries with Cold Winters and we all chose a piece of writing to read to the class.
We hope you all have an amazing break. Here's to a fantastic, fun and happy 2017! :-)
Gosh, didn't we just love learning about Symmetry? We did lots of creative and fun activities to show our understanding of Symmetry like making Tangram designs and snowflakes and we even went outside to the yard to draw giant Symmetrical drawings in groups using chalk.
Length Hunt!
What better way to learn about Length in Maths than to roll up our sleeves and do a Length Hunt around our school. We used Metre sticks, a trundle wheel and measuring tapes to measure a list of things and then compared our results to see if we all got the same measurements. We had lots of fun!
Jackson Pollock
We learned about the great American Artist Jackson Pollock and his unique method of splatter painting. Then we worked in groups to have our own go at this splatter painting technique. The end result looked amazing and they are now hanging up in our classroom. Thanks Kiran for coming in and bringing his ladder to get them so high up on the wall where can admire them for the rest of the year!
Fabric & Fibre
We did a full unit on Fabric and Fibre in Art and we loved it! First we practiced simple skills like threading a needle, knotting the thread and simple stitches like the straight stitch and the edge stitch. Then we made cute little heart shaped hand warmers, then cute little stuffed penguins toys and then we designed and made our own Christmas decorations. If anyone needs their socks darned, send them our way! :-)
Happy Hallowe'en!
Happy Hallowe'en from everyone in Rang a Ceathair :-)
Here we are singing a ghostly song as Gaeilge called Púca!
Here we are singing a ghostly song as Gaeilge called Púca!
We had a fun packed week and did lots of scary lessons. We wrote our own spooky stories and made them into fantastic mini-novels. Then we read our stories to the class using our creepiest voices and a flashlight for added effect. We learned about the Mexican Festival Dia De Los Muertos in Learn Together and painted our very own colourful skeletons. We also made some paper maché pumpkin tea-light holders in Art. In History we learned about the History of Witches and acted out our own Witch Trials in Drama. On Friday we had so much fun with lots of Hallowe'en drama, games and dancing and we really enjoyed the Hallowe'en Bake Sale, so thank you to everyone who made those yummy treats.
Enjoy the Mid-Term Break everyone :-)
Anna Mc
We had a fun packed week and did lots of scary lessons. We wrote our own spooky stories and made them into fantastic mini-novels. Then we read our stories to the class using our creepiest voices and a flashlight for added effect. We learned about the Mexican Festival Dia De Los Muertos in Learn Together and painted our very own colourful skeletons. We also made some paper maché pumpkin tea-light holders in Art. In History we learned about the History of Witches and acted out our own Witch Trials in Drama. On Friday we had so much fun with lots of Hallowe'en drama, games and dancing and we really enjoyed the Hallowe'en Bake Sale, so thank you to everyone who made those yummy treats.
Enjoy the Mid-Term Break everyone :-)
Anna Mc
October '16 Update
October was a very busy class for 4th Class. We wished Sorcha the very best as she went on maternity leave and welcomed our new teacher Anna Mc! We spent lots of time learning about Trees and Autumn. We had a Forester called Ken visit our class and tell us all about the Forestry industry. He then gave us a guided walk of the forest near our school. We went on a leaf hunt and collected lots of leaves to make and label some leaf displays which are currently up in our classroom windows. We also had a very fun debate where we had to convince Anna whether or not we should let an imaginary company buy the forest around our school and why. We also painted some beautiful Autumn Trees in Art. In Geography we used our mapping skills to make our own maps that show the route we took on our walk. In History we were learning all about the Normans in Ireland and designed our own Norman Shields and built our own Norman Castles in groups.
We really enjoyed our trip with 3rd class to see the play Voyage as part of Baboró Festival. We even managed to squeeze in a visit to the Walled Garden on the day too. In music we have been learning lots of new songs like Lean on Me and I Can See Clearly Now and playing mini-concerts in the classroom.
Maths Weeks was also celebrated in October and we spent the week doing lots of fun Maths activities like a Shopping Task with 5th Class and a lovely Maths Trail with 1st Class. We also covered the topic of Data in Maths and used the opportunity to take a survey from the entire school to find out what ways children travel to school. Tracey the Senior Infants teacher was delighted with this because she will be working with Green Schools this year to get our Transport Flag. Our surveys and graphs helped to inform her that most of the children in our school take the bus to school which makes us a very eco-friendly school!
We really enjoyed our trip with 3rd class to see the play Voyage as part of Baboró Festival. We even managed to squeeze in a visit to the Walled Garden on the day too. In music we have been learning lots of new songs like Lean on Me and I Can See Clearly Now and playing mini-concerts in the classroom.
Maths Weeks was also celebrated in October and we spent the week doing lots of fun Maths activities like a Shopping Task with 5th Class and a lovely Maths Trail with 1st Class. We also covered the topic of Data in Maths and used the opportunity to take a survey from the entire school to find out what ways children travel to school. Tracey the Senior Infants teacher was delighted with this because she will be working with Green Schools this year to get our Transport Flag. Our surveys and graphs helped to inform her that most of the children in our school take the bus to school which makes us a very eco-friendly school!
4th Class 2015/2016
In art we learned about the primary and secondary colours. We also looked at complimentary colours and the colour wheel to see what colours work well together. We then discussed what colours we think represent what emotions. Also, how lines and shapes can represent an emotion. We created six squares on an A3 page and used colour and lines to represent different emotions. These creations are called 'Emotiscapes'.
Write A Book Competition
Fourth Class took part in the 'Write a Book' competition. Children planned and wrote their own books. The children wrote creative writing pieces, comics and factual writing pieces. Everyone put in a lot of work and effort.
As part of the competition we got sent children's 'Write a Book' entries from another school. It was great to read other children's books and discuss them. Third and Fourth class then came together and swapped each others books and read them.
Well Done to everyone who took part!
As part of the competition we got sent children's 'Write a Book' entries from another school. It was great to read other children's books and discuss them. Third and Fourth class then came together and swapped each others books and read them.
Well Done to everyone who took part!
Chinese New Year Festivities!
Fourth class were learning about the Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the Monkey. We learned about the traditions of the Chinese New Year and how they celebrate it. We learned that to celebrate Chinese New Year the people give red envelopes with money to family and friends. The red colour is a sign of good luck and prosperity. We made our own red and gold envelopes and put chocolate gold coins in the envelopes. We gave them to the Junior Infants. They were delighted to receive their Chinese New Year gifts.
The children also enjoyed some homemade fortune cookies. The children read out each others fortunes. It was a really fun afternoon.
In fourth class we enjoyed some yummy pancakes to celebrate Pancake Tuesday! We had a choice of many toppings - sugar, lemon, chocolate and maple syrup! It was a lovely treat to have at the end of the day!
Map Skills
Children in fourth class were learning about the different types of homes that people live in. We took a class survey to see what type of homes we live in in fourth class. A semi - detached two storey house was the most popular.
We also looked at building in our locality and looked at our school. We decided to make a map of the buildings around our school. We went to the front of the school and had a discussion about the different types of buildings in the area. We then made an aerial map of the buildings around our school. Take a look at us here busy mapping!!
In fourth class we learned about the Hindu festival 'Diwali' or the Festival of Lights. We read stories about how Diwali came to be celebrated and why it became known as the festival of lights. In art class we also made Rangoli patterns. At Diwali Rangoli patterns are drawn on the floor near the door of the house to welcome guests and to encourage the goddess Lakshmi to visit their homes.
Winter Snowglobes
We made beautiful winter snowglobes in art. We took a picture of ourselves pretending to be doing an action like hugging a snowman, putting a decoration on a Christmas tree or throwing a snowball. We then drew and painted a winter or Christmas scene onto a paper plate and then cut out our photographs of ourselves and stuck it onto the plate. We then added snow (using coconut) and some silver sparkles. We completed the snowglobes by gluing and taping a plastic bowl on top. We had so much fun creating these globes.
Super Science Investigations
Fourth class were learning about acids and bases. They went to investigate what would happen if an acid and a base were mixed together. The children used baking powder and baking soda as bases and vinegar for the acid.
The children placed the baking soda and baking powder into glasses. They also used some food colouring.
The children discovered that when you mix an acid and a base together a reaction occurs and they neutralise each other. The reaction cause the materials to mix together and spill over the glasses. There was great excitement in our class when the vinegar (acid) was added.
The children placed the baking soda and baking powder into glasses. They also used some food colouring.
The children discovered that when you mix an acid and a base together a reaction occurs and they neutralise each other. The reaction cause the materials to mix together and spill over the glasses. There was great excitement in our class when the vinegar (acid) was added.