Please note we are no longer keeping these pages live - each child's personal learning journey is now recorded on their private Seesaw account.
Fáilte go Rang a Sé
In February we had a very special birthday party. We made an anti-racism Valentine display after finishing our novel Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes, We celebrated Imbolc and arrival of spring by learning about Saint Bridget. We made Bridget's Day crosses and God's Eyes. We had a Valentine disco on the yard, which was great fun. We also started lino prints in art and held our first debates!
Valentine Display |
Art Printing: Lino Prints
Debating: The Motion: 'Books are better than television'
Birthday Celebrations
Bridget's Day Crosses Welcoming the spring
In January we were very fortunate to participate in the Explorer's Programme, which is run by the Galway Atlantaquarium. We had 5 species of fish in our tank and we had to mind them for three weeks. We had Lenny the Blenny, Seán the Prawn, our Sea Anemone was fondly named Dwayne the Fish Johnson, we had a Butterfish called Kerrygold and two baby Mullets called Tom and Jerry. We had to feed them three times a week, do a daily roll call, check the temperature daily and ensure all the equipment was working and the tank was clean. We also got to see up close how these species interacted and we did a lot of projects and research to learn more about them. We loved getting to know all their little personalities and observing them. We really miss them. Seán the Prawn shed his skin on the last day, which was rather extraordinary! Noirín came to collect the fish and we performed a squid dissection and learned about the anatomy of the squid.
Squid Dissection!
Th children worked in groups to explore the different body parts of the squid. They were able to identify whether they were male or female. They found the ink sac and removed the pen!
In My Room: Construction Dioramas
In Art we used Anna Mc's version of the Beach Boy's song 'In My Room and Vincent VanGogh's 'Bedroom at Arles' as inspiration for our dioramas. We planned what our dream bedrooms would look like and the children worked to construct dioramas to bring these drawings to life. The results were very impressive.
Merry Christmas from 6th Class. We had a busy month! We celebrated the winter Solstice by lighting a fire and roasting marshmallows on the Kelly Kettle. We got to the woods to play Capture the Flag and to the playground too! We also completed our 1km run a day for the 12 days before Christmas to fundraise money for the Simon community. We had an inspiring presentation by Ruairí and Vera Quinlan about their travels. We had fantastic Geography presentations and final term assessments and a much needed pyjama day on our final day of term!
Spanish Lessons with Vicki
We were very fortunate to have Vicki, our amazing Spanish teacher, with us for 6 weeks. She was such a fun and enthusiastic teacher. The children got a fantastic introduction to Spanish.
Science Week: Exploration Dome
NOVEMBER - Steam Art Workshops with Birgit and Peter
Workshop 2: In the second workshop we put our ideas for the mural, based on all that we learned in the science workshops, onto paper.
Workshop 1: In our first workshop we made puppets and then taught them how to walk and dance.
OCTOBER - What we learned this month!
It has been a busy month in 6th Class. We had a fantastic run up to the midterm with lots of interesting workshops and different learning opportunities. We did a 5 week yoga course with Ida. We had amazing STEAM workshops with Sarah Grundy. We learned about muscles and tendons and biomedical engineering, the brain and neuroplasticity and the heart. We had a fascinating bat talk with Raymond and got to examine some specimens of bat. And as part of Maths Week we did a Maths trail with Junior Infants and attended an online webinar. We have also been using IZAK 9 to learn and revise maths concepts. And as part of our learning about Judaic festivals we built some Sukkot huts in the woods. We also constructed some Crannógs from junk art.
Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh/ Happy Halloween
Judaism: Festival of Sukkot - building huts in the woods
ART/HISTORY Constructing Crannógs
STEAM Workshop 3: The Heart
BAT TALK with Raymond
STEAM Workshop 2: The Brain, Neurotransmitters & Dance
Maths Week: Maths Trail with Junior Infants
Maths: Working with IZAK 9
Literature Circles: Fish in a Tree
STEAM Workshops: Week 1: Muscles, Tendons & Biomedical Engineering
September: What are we learning this month?
Welcome back to school and welcome to 6th class. Have a look at some of the things we have been learning in September and check out a picture of us in Junior Infants. How incredibly cute were we!!! We've come a long way.
In English we have started our Literature Circles and we are reading Fish in a Tree. We have been learning Seamus Heaney's poem 'Postscript' and reading poetry for pleasure and performance. We have also been writing recounts and working on handwriting and presentation. We have been using IZAK 9 to problem solve and learning about averages and Trend Graphs through our data strand in Maths. In Geography the children have been busy preparing presentations on different counties in Ireland. We'll showcase some of this fantastic work over the coming weeks. In History, we are learning about Ancient Ireland and the Celts in History and have been using Sketch Notes to create creative notes. In Learn Together we explored Judaism and had some apples with honey to celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year).
Art in the Woods
We got out to the woods to practice some of our Forest School's skills and make pictures with natural materials.
Here are some of our chalk drawings inspired the street artist David Zinn. Check out some of his work here.
Fáilte go Rang a Sé
Forest Schools!!
November Update
We participated in Barnadoes 300,000 steps in November and raised €555 for the charity. Sixth Class gave up their PE lesson for November and undertook 4 walks through Kilcornan Woods. We took 4 different routes each week. Many thanks to all our parent volunteers. We are so fortunate to have such a beautiful setting to explore.
Preparing Presentations and Working on Our Digital Portfolios on Seesaw
We were busy preparing presentations on Google slides using the school's Mac Books and uploading our assignments to Google Classroom. We have also been using i pads to upload our work into our Seesaw portfolios.
Soccer Superstars!
Some of the boys in our class took the lead and set up soccer stations to help us improve our soccer skills!
Happy Hallowe'en/ Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh!
Hallowe'en Art
Haunted houses silhouettes
Student Council Elections
Congratulations to Cuisle and Ross on their election to student council. It was a tight contest. Conan, Peter, Hana, Annabel and Lauren have been elected to our class council. Congratulations to all the children who participated by designing posters and delivering speeches.
We are delighted to be back in school. We have been busy getting used to all our new routines of hand washing, sanitizing and social distancing in the classroom but we are getting there! We have been fortunate enough with the weather to be able to have some of our lessons outdoors! Here's a look inside our class.
The children in 6th class have been busy preparing and presenting projects on counties or townlands in Ireland. They have learned a lot by evaluating each other's work.
Inspired by David Zinn who is a chalk street artist.
Nature Crafts
Nature chimes and clay imprints
Failte go dtí sixth class 2019-2020
.Maths Lesson- Directed Numbers- 23rd March.
Please click on the box below.
You can use the folens link to access the Planet Maths E-Book. Directed numbers chapter is on page 136.
Khan Academy is also a great website for Maths.
Forest Schools
Number theory games
Halloween Dress Up Day!
Today the whole school celebrated Hallowe'en by dressing up! There was some great costumes! They had a brilliant party at school. Chloe o'Sullivan also celebrated her birthday. Classes watched movies and ate sweets. Everyone had a great day!!!!
7th-11th October
In Maths this week we are looking at lines and angles.
In Irish we are studying Bia.
In English, we have started our novel Goodnight Mr Tom and are continuing to work on essay writing.
We have also started studying WW2.
Geography: The Earth, Moon and Solar System (SPACE WEEK IS COMING!)
Rang a Sé wrote some whatif poems about their worries...
Last night as I lay thinking here, some whatifs crawled inside my ear. They pranced and partied all night long and sang their same old whatif song.... Whatif my dog runs away? Whatif winter starts in may? Whatif I fail all my tests? Whatif a bird falls out of their nest? Whatif polar bears go extinct ? Whatif time goes on the blink? Whatif my house burns down? Whatif my face gets locked in a frown? Whatif my hair never grows? Whatif I sing badly in every show? Whatif I get terribly sick? Whatif I get pushed and kicked? Whatif the sun never rises? Whatif all I lies? Liadh collins 6th class |
Whatif ...
last night while I lay thinking here,
Last night while I lay thinking here, some Whatifs crawled inside my ear. And pranced and partied all night long, And sang their same old whatif song. Whatif I get deadly sick Whatif I get pushed and kicked Whatif the Earth started to crumble Whatif I fell down a hill in a tumble Whatif I was always late Whatif there's no food on my plate Whatif my operation doesn't go to plan Whatif I'm on a plane and it just can't land Whatif my cats get hit by a car Whatif the government starts a war Whatif I fall from the sky Whatif I was to lay down and die I was sleeping soundly, then the nighttime Whatifs strikes agin!!!! Hannah Kenny 6th class |
Rang a Sé 2018-2019
Rang a Sé Nuacht, le Caelin agus Eva.
Rang a Sé Nuacht, le Caelin agus Eva.
While teaching the 'Long Division Song' today, I learned that sixth class sure know how to give it socks!
Warning: may need ear plugs!
While teaching the 'Long Division Song' today, I learned that sixth class sure know how to give it socks!
Warning: may need ear plugs!
Congratulations to Roisín and Rufus who won the student council elections this week. We look forward to seeing the impact their fresh ideas have on the school.
Congratulations to Roisín and Rufus who won the student council elections this week. We look forward to seeing the impact their fresh ideas have on the school.
Since we have been learning and practising the genre of persuasive writing over the last few weeks, we decided to put our persuasive tactics to the test!
The class split into groups and each member was designated a role within the group (actor, director, set design, script writer, costume designer etc...), they then needed to create a persuasive TV advertisement based on a product of their choice.
The groups worked very hard on using persuasive techniques when both writing their scripts and performing their advertisement.
Check out the final projects below!
Since we have been learning and practising the genre of persuasive writing over the last few weeks, we decided to put our persuasive tactics to the test!
The class split into groups and each member was designated a role within the group (actor, director, set design, script writer, costume designer etc...), they then needed to create a persuasive TV advertisement based on a product of their choice.
The groups worked very hard on using persuasive techniques when both writing their scripts and performing their advertisement.
Check out the final projects below!
Rang a Sé- 2017/2018
Graduation 2018
The Graduation evening was a beautiful occasion. Elliot, Darel, Abhainn and Karina were brave and entertaining when they spoke about their time here. Adam played brilliant music. We sang songs. We ate delicious food prepared by all of the families.
Wishing this fabulous class a super summer and the very best in secondary school. All at Kilcolgan E.T.N.S. will miss you.
Wishing this fabulous class a super summer and the very best in secondary school. All at Kilcolgan E.T.N.S. will miss you.
School Tour
Our overnight school tour to Petersburg Adventure Centre was fantastic. We did an Obstacle Course, Gorge Walking, Canyoning, Caving and Orienteering. What a trip!
Lego Workshop
6th Class showed great skill during our Lego Workshop with facilitators from NUIG.
The Forest and Walled Garden
Some of our many visits to the beautiful surroundings of the school, the forest and the Walled Garden.
Spring Clean
The children worked hard and collected bags of rubbish in the forest during our Spring Clean.
The children had great fun constructing volcanoes collaboratively as a lead up to their Science lessons on volcanoes.
Didgeridoo Workshop
We listened to Itai play the didgeridoo. We all had a chance to play the didgeridoo and we played together. Our star bodhrán player accompanied!
Burren Beo Workshop

We had a really informative workshop about the geology of the Burren. We did tests on the rocks to check their acidity.
December Snap |

A photograph of the class in the run up to the Christmas holidays.
An Bhialann
Science Week Maths Workshop |
We were really lucky to have Dr. Rachel Quinlan from NUIG in our class as part of Science Week. She facilitated a fantastic Maths Workshop. The children learned about 3- dimensional shapes. They enjoyed constructing shapes.
Fighting Words Workshop
Halloween Maths Trail
Tibetan Singing Bowls
Fiona, one of our many skilled parents, very kindly came to our class with her Singing Bowls from Tibet. We learned about how to play them and how they can help us to relax.
Mind Up

Steve from the Mind Up Programme doing a Brain Break with 6th Class. We do Brain Breaks three times a day.
Bualadh Bos Trip
Student Council Representatives
Last week we went to Limerick to see a show called The Assistant's Revenge. It was on in the Belltable Arts Centre. Everyone really enjoyed the show. The actors were very talented at acting and singing.
Congratulations to our new Student Council Representatives!
They spoke to the class about why they should represent them this year and then we had a vote to see who would be elected.
They spoke to the class about why they should represent them this year and then we had a vote to see who would be elected.
6th Class Photo September
Here are some of 6th Class pictured in September.
Good luck to Molly who is taking part in the Galway County Cross Country Championships!
Good luck to Molly who is taking part in the Galway County Cross Country Championships!

Rang a Sé 2016/17
A big thank you to Mia who emailed to point out that children like to look back on their past with us and who was missing the photos of the year gone by. While we cannot recover the posts removed here are some photos to remember the year by. Feedback is really valuable to us so thanks Mia for getting in touch. - Anna
Graduation Video
Hi all,
I've shared the graduation video above but I won't be able to send a downloadable copy of the video to you until all parents give their consent. Please check the inbox and spam folders of your email account in case you haven't seen my email yet. - Caoimhe
I've shared the graduation video above but I won't be able to send a downloadable copy of the video to you until all parents give their consent. Please check the inbox and spam folders of your email account in case you haven't seen my email yet. - Caoimhe
Class Photos
The Last Days
Sports Day
Petersburg School Tour
Maths, Science & Research
Fighting Words Workshop
Snowy Days
Christmas Art with Junior Infants
Halloween Art & Maths Trail
Playworks with Junior Infants
Nature Walk with Junior Infants
September Class Photos
Rang a Sé 2015/16
A much overdue update!! Apologies! Here's a selection of some of the things we've been getting up to.
Sports Day 2016
School Tour to Petersburg
Sound Bowls with Fiona
Sky walking (Biodiversity workshop with Seedsavers)
Our Irish sketches!!
we made sketches in Irish about every day life.
Forest Schools Again
Maths: Measurement - Capacity and Weight
Printing - Preparation for Lino Prints
Selfie Madness!!!
Balloon Play
Forest Schools Scout Style!
Circle Time in the Sun
Squid dissection
The aquarium is gone but Joanne (from the Aquarium) did a squid dissection with us before she left. We found the pen and ink!
Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday we ate pancakes for Shrove Tuesday with sugar,jam,maple syrup or lemon it was delicious.
I just want to say a big thank you to Lochlan for all his hard work on our class website. He's eager to keep it up to date and is doing a fantastic job. Well done Lochlan!!
Forest schools #3
Third and last session for group one. We climbed trees and played in the mud.
Forest Schools #2
The first group have had their second session in forest schools. They had great fun finding sit spots, learning about flora and fauna, climbing trees, building dens and claiming territories!
Flag Ceremony
Two generals came to the school to do the flag ceremony. All the senior classes sang Amhran na bhFian and the musicians performed it. Then Aoibhin read a bit of the proclamation and Moya and Theo, the two eldest students in the school received the flag.
Aquarium News
Aquarium news: The starfish attacked again.This time his victim was pancake the flatfish. We also got a new prawn who has yet to be baptized. We're currently working on our Aquarium Newsletters.
The dream catchers
We are making dream catchers from willow and string.
Working in Irish
The whole class is working on their Irish sketches.
They will be available in a couple of days.
Forest schools #1
The first group had their first forest school session. We constructed a shelter, played games and learned about the forest.
The disaster
The first night, the starfish attacked the prawn and devoured him.We needed to bury him. Or so we think, needless to say the starfish was hungry!
The aquarium
On Tuesday we received our aquarium. We have an anemone, a flatfish, a starfish, a butterfish, a goby, a prawn and a hermit crabe.
But sixth class didn't know what disaster was going to happen that night .
Electric Circuits
We learned how to make electrical circuits!
We learned how electricity travels and then we created our own circuits.
The Week Before Christmas
The week before Christmas, 6th class had a relaxed and exciting week!
From having a chocolate fondue to watching a movie, 6th class had everything to please them.
Basketball Lessons
Padraic, Mia's Dad, gave us for a basketball lesson.
The author
We had a visit from the author of Kapheus Earth and Air and she gave us tips on how to write a good book.
Reading with Junior Infants
6th class went to read Irish books for the Junior Infants!
In December, Joanne and Anne showed us how to knit and we were allowed to bring the needles back home. That day, we all felt like little old grannies.
New class website uploder
From now on in, Lochlan will be directing the class website. So if there are any spelling mistakes, don't blame it on Joanne!!!
Food Science: Making Pizza Dough-+
We had a great fun learning about how yeast works. Sixth Class showed great cooperation skills and worked like professional chefs kneading and proving their dough. Everyone got to take their pizza dough home to cook.
The NUIG visit
5th and 6th class were very fortunate to have a visit from a group of scientists from NUIG in November. We extracted the DNA of a banana and built DNA structures. We learned lots and had a lot of fun working as scientists!
Happy Hallowe'en
Maths Week
We had a busy week celebrating maths week in KETNS. Sixth Class were very fortunate to attend a maths lecture 'Stamping Through Maths' in NUIG delivered by Prof Robin Wilson. Dr. Michel Destrade from NUIG's mathematics department also came out to our class to play games and gave us a quiz.
Maths Trail with Junior Infants
Baboro in Tuam
We attended a show called 'Up to Speed' in Tuam - it was fantastic. Here are some pictures of us enjoying our lunch in the park before the show.
Working with Junior Infants
We have paired up with Junior Infants several times this term. On our first outing we helped them explore the school grounds and do some map reading. We then took them on a nature walk and helped them to identify signs of autumn.