Please note we are no longer keeping these pages live - each child's personal learning journey is now recorded on their private Seesaw account.
Welcome to 2nd Class 2021 - 2022
Fáilte Romhat go Rang a Dó 2021 - 2022
Valentines Day
For Valentines Day we made lots of decorations to celebrate. We also had a disco outside. The children enjoyed dancing to their favourite songs and a great time was had by all! Anna was an excellent DJ - who knew!
Bridget the Saint and Bridget the Goddess
The children learned about the different spiritual forms of our most famous female goddess and saint. Known as the bringer of the spring or Imbolc Bridget is remembered in both Christian and Pagan belief systems as a women of great powers and strength. She was known as a healer of the sick, a lover of animals and nature, the saint of metal workers, midwives and artists. She is said to have tricked the King of Lenster into giving her several acres of land by asking for just what her 'brat' or cloak would cover. Miraculously when she unfolded her brat, it just kept expanding and expanding, until she had several acres on which to build her community. The children each made a square of 'Bridget's brat'. They wrote an intention of what strength within themselves they would like to grow!
During February and March we are learning about a belief system called Humanism. Humanists believe we have one life and they believe it is important to live a happy life. We can do this by doing the things we love, being kind to others and looking after the planet. Humanists believe we can use our senses, science, history and many other ways to find the answers to life’s big questions! Humanists believe we should use our unique strengths and talents to make the world a better place.
Here are some samples of the children's work.
Here are some samples of the children's work.
Garden Birds
Throughout the winter we have been observing and learning about garden birds. The children brought home bird tally sheets and and kept a record of birds in their own gardens. We even had a robing fly into the classroom day to say hello before flying out again! We are very blessed to have our very own garden to observe them. In February we had a live streamed webinar with Niall Hatch from Birdwatch Ireland entitled Birds Around Our School.
Wassily Kandinsky
We learned about the Art of Wassily Kandinsky. We learned about how was one of the first abstract artists in a time when this was a very new idea. We learned the value he placed on colour in his work. We spent time exploring colour theory and mixing through the colour wheel and also through creating tones and shades of colour. The results were brilliant!
Mateo treated us to an art lesson on how to draw a Basilisks. He drew up a lesson plan and off he went. The children and I were enchanted by his talent, teaching skills and his confidence. Well done Mateo!
In January we took a quick trip back to the forest with our sketch books to observe winter in the forest, the light, the textures and colours. Children compared it with the visit they had to the forest in September to sketch and draw. They noticed the colour and the light changes. We talked about deciduous and coniferous tress and the lack of bugs and flies.
In December we learned about data in maths. For active schools we did a survey on what sports and activities children did to stay active and healthy! I was amazed at the fantastic range of activities the children took part in!
In December we learned all about Christmas around the world and how it is celebrated. We compared it with festivals in other religions and cultures which celebrate with lights, decorations, family get togethers and gift giving. We wrote Christmas and winter poems. We learned about Hanukkah and the Pagan festival of Solstice and it's associated stories. We also made winter themed decorations to give the class a festive feel!
Festive Christmas Song
In November we began working on a song with Mathew to perform with our ukuleles for parents. In the absence of a concert we just recorded it in the classroom. Chock on the link to see us perform jingle bells!
Other Forest Adventures
Over the first term, we had lots of exciting adventures in the forest, we built dens, made art from clay and objects found on the forest floor. We used these to then tell stories and create dramas about the imaginary creatures we created. Dens were built, trees climbed and many games were played. The children learned to identify trees, ferns and fungi. They tracked the signs of autumn changing into winter. We did bug hunts and set pit fall traps for bugs. We made mud puddles and had muddy faces. We hid in leaf piles and had great fun tossing and kicking the autumn leaves. We also did our sit spots, a time for stillness, quiet and contented listening and connecting. We toasted marshmallows over the fire, made smores and had lots of giggles!
Science and Engineering Challenge in the Forest.
The children took on a challenge to design an egg carrier to zipline an egg safely between two trees. They drew up plans, discussed materials, which had to be reused items! Each design was different, each group had different strategies and theories in mind. The had to consider forces such as gravity, speed, and tension as well as how much insulation would be needed. They tested their designs in the class room before finally bringing them to the forest for the ultimate test. There was great excitement as we saw their ground-breaking designs tested in real time! see:
Fionn and The Dragon
At the start of November the children were learning about the festival of Samhain. They Learned about how Fionn MacCumhail defeated the terrible dragon who had wreaked havoc on the kingdom each year on the festival of Samhain. Fionn was made the leader of the Fianna for his skill and bravery.
During our last week of term we did lots of spooky Halloween themed lessons. We learned about the history and legends associated with Halloween. We looked at how it is celebrated around the world. On the last day of term the children dressed up! The children played games, carved a pumpkin, shared Barin brack and made masks and dragons!
We have been learning the ukulele with Mathew, Rosie's dad.
Here are links to the two songs we have been learning:
I Can Tell That We Are Going To Be Friends
Purple People Eater
i_can_tell_that_we_are_going_to_be_friends.docx |
We Learned About Vincent Van Gough
We looked at how Vincent Van Gough used colour and large brush strokes to create scenes in nature. He loved the colour yellow and used it beautifully to create night scenes, full of light reflections. Inspired by this the children created their own night paintings.
We Made Clay Characters in The Forest and Brought them To Life in Stories!
We are delighted to be back! We began the year by making a great class charter. The children as ever came up with brilliant ways to make our class a happy safe place to learn illustrating every detail!
In history we learned about the Greek legend of Icarus. The children sequenced the story and did comic strips to illustrate each part of the story!
Before the leaves began to change colour and fall we did a leaf hunt!
We took a forest walk to see how many different trees we could identify.
Our first official forest school trip took place on the 24th September.
We could really begin to see the autumn taking hold. The children saw the leaves beginning to change colour and fall. We saw all sorts of mushrooms, saplings, mosses and bugs on the forest floor. We of course had lots of fun too playing games, having mud play, searching for bugs and having lunch together in the forest!
Fáilte Romhat go Rang a Dó 2020 - 2021
Welcome to 2nd Class 2020 - 2021
Maths Week
During Maths week the children did an outdoor maths trail. The children had to make and find 2d shapes on the school grounds, find and count flowers, leaves and mini beasts. They even made clocks.
Story telling In the Forest
In order to fire our storytelling imaginations we brought some clay to the forest to help us dream up characters and story lines for our narrative writing this term. Second class are wonderful story tellers and some incredible characters and magical tales emerged.
Our Space Week
During Space week we learned about our solar system and about space architecture. We teamed up with the ESERO and did a live zoom call with Orla Punch in San francisco, who is a space architect. She told us all sorts of interesting things about planning, designing and building rockets, space stations and satellites where humans can live for long periods of time! The children got to ask her lots of interesting questions. See
Making art in the forest
In September we had some fantastic sunny weather, so we decided to do some artwork outside in the forest. Some children used pastels and crayons and even mud to make their pictures and some children land art sculptures. Some other children constructed a fort. They really enjoyed it. Thanks so much to our wonderful parent volunteers!
Welcome back to our new 2nd class!
Same Class, new routines, new teacher, new normal!
We began our year with lots of new rules and routines, to make sure everyone could stay safe. We decided to build it into this years class charter. Our class charter helps us make our classroom a happy, safe place where everyone can help each other learn. The children came up with the rules and illustrated each one!
Our Class Charter
November 2019
Bualadh Bos Festival
Road Safety Walk
We learned about road safety using the RSA programme "High Glo Silver"
We learned about the importance of being seen in the dark, if we are walking or cycling at nighttime. We did a road safety walk down the drive to the main road. We practiced crossing the road in Clarinbridge village using our safe cross code, paying attention to always look and listen when crossing the road.
Forest Adventures
Though we will not be formally starting out Forest School programme until later in the year we did get to spend a lovely morning in the forest. We did leaf identification, found interesting bugs had some fantastic story telling from Eugene and we made clay pieces based on the story! We had a lot of fun! Eugene also made a vine swing for us... the children may have a funny story to tell you about that!
During the fine weather in September we went exploring in the walled Garden. We did some art out the fresh air based on what we observed in the Garden.
We have been learning about the many tales of Fionn Mac Cumhaill. For the story of Fionn and the Dragon, we sequenced and illustrated the story in pairs. Then we made our own dragons using lots of different materials!
We began our year by putting together a Class Charter.
This means we all had to come up with ways to make the class a safe and happy place for learning! The children made great posters to deliver their message!
Fáilte Romhat go Rang a Dó
Welcome to 2nd Class
2018 - 2019
Meet our class!
We have been having a busy year so far in 2nd class. Have a look at what we have been up to!
Burns Day Celebrations!
Avital Dines came in to teach us about the Scottish festival of Burns Night! She told us about the very famous and well loved poet Robert Burns. To celebrate his life every year on the 25th January, Scottish people celebrate Burns night by having a great feast, with friends and family . They often sing, recite Robert Burn's poetry and dance. The centre piece of the feast is Haggis. This is a traditional savory Scottish dish. It is also traditional to eat the very Scottish treat, of shortbread. Avital shared pieces of shortbread with all of us.
Avital also taught us about traditional Scottish tartans and how each Scottish clan had it's own tartan pattern and colours. She showed the children how to paint their own unique tartan patterns!
....Lots more news to follow. Watch this space!!!
2017 -2018
Welcome to Second Class
Well out of our very interesting writing project hatched the idea to make a film. Here is our magical creation, written by the children of 2nd class, directed, filmed, edited and ultimately created by Louise Manifold. Louise is a very talented local artist working with us under the Teacher Artist Partnership or TAP Programme. Costumes courtesy of 2nd Parents! Huge Thanks too also to our wonderful Forest School Volunteers, who helped make this fantastic project possible.
We have been working on a very interesting story writing project. Just wait to see what these ideas hatch into later in the spring....
St Bridget
We made St. Bridget's magical cloak. We learned many interesting things about her. Pagans believe she was the goddess of fire and both pagans and Christians believe she was a great healer of the sick and that he was very kind to the poor. She is said to have helped St. Patrick in his teaching too.
We got outside and got our hands dirty helping to fill the raised beds for the new school garden!
We returned to the forest in the new year and made quadrants to show the changes we had noticed in the forest!
A very special visitor came to town in December!
3rd - 6th classes took part in a Christmas Concert
During session 2 in the Forest the children tried out low ropes for the first time and made some forest creatures based on items gathered on their trip
We went exploring in the forest on our first Forest School trip.
The children identified some common plants such as ivy, holly and ferns. The used their senses to also find soft, rough, prickly, smooth, spongy items too.
Our Marine Habitats
We had Molly's dad Eoghan Daly come in and teach us about about Marine habitats. He told us about threats to this delicate balance and how issues like water quality and micro plastics are affecting our marine habitats. He brought some colleagues with him from the university to do some fascinating experiments!
The children made leaf crowns using autumn leaves
We Spent Time In Our Little Garden Making Some Place Based Art. Here Are Some Of The Creatures Who Inhabit Our Space!
Bhí an craic againn ag damhsa sa Halla Mór, mar geall ar Seachtain na Gaeilge .
During Engineers Week Darragh O'B.B.'s Dad Stephen Called In
Stephen talked to us about his work as a marine engineer, showing us how he is responsible for the integrity of deep sea oil pipelines. He then set out a very interesting construction task for the children!
We Had Fun In The Snow In March! Our Bird Table Was Really Busy With Hungry Birds.
We had a visit from Author Margueritte Tonery Who captivated s With Her Amazing Tales of Kapheus
Back To Forest School 2017!
When we returned to the forest after the Christmas break we saw a very different forest canopy, paths and even the forest floor was different. Over the next two sessions we logged the changes we could observe so as to compare them with what we will see when we return in early summer!
Santa Dropped in to Say Hello!
Well we went down to Fionnuala's room to sing some festive songs and all of a sudden... look who marched in to join us!!!!
Christmas Show
Happy Hanukkah!
Roni Wassermann came in to teach us all about the Jewish Festival of Hanukkah. He shared delicious doughnuts with us, which is part of the Hanukkah tradition. He told us about the background of the festival and the story behind the symbol of the Menorah lights. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to Roni. He showed us how to write Happy Hanukkah in Hebrew!
Sea Floor Mapping
Vera Quinlan and her Colleague Eimear, who both work at the Marine Institute visited the school to show the children how sea floor mapping is done. They brought in all sorts of amazing technology and equipment. Everyone was fascinated!!
The AR sandbox consists of a computer running simulation and visualisation software, a Kinect 3D camera which detects depth or height data and a projector which essentially projects the topography to match the real sand topography. A child can build any feature in the sandbox and can learn how these real 3D features are described on a 2D map.
“This AR sandbox was constructed as part of the education and outreach program for INFOMAR and we believe that this will help share the story, the science and the adventure that is INFOMAR, Vera Quinlan “
Dogs Trust
Aoife Murdock visited us from Dogs Trust to teach us about responsible pet ownership.
Aoife Murdock visited us from Dogs Trust to teach us about responsible pet ownership.
We have been Having Great Learning Adventures With Forest Schools!
The children created paintings and clay sculptures based on their explorations.
Blown Away at the Bualadh Bos Festival, Limerick.
We went to see a fantastic play at the Bell table Theatre in Limerick. The children really enjoyed the puppets and the amazing acrobatics!
We even managed to stop off in Cratloe Woods for some fun on the way!
We Learned About The Brave Fionn MacCumhaill and How He Defended The Kingdom at Tara.
In groups we retold and illustrated the story. We learned about the role of dragons in folklore around the world and then for art we made our own dragons!
Michael Donnelan From Coillte Took 2nd Class on a Guided Forest Walk To Teach Us About the Trees and Plantlife in Our Wonderful Kilcornan Forest.
We collected leaves and made leaf crowns
We Began Our Year By Making a Friendship Tree
1916 Memorial
We Raised The Irish Flag Like Thousands of Schools Around The Country To Remember The Events Of 1916. All of the Children in our School Gathered in Front of the Flag Pole at the Front of the School. We Sang The National Anthem.
We Made Pretty Clay Pots For Mother's Day.
Engineering Week
We Were Lucky Enough To Have Two Very Interesting Parents Come In To Speak To Us About Engineering.
Take a Parachute and jump....
Carrie, James's mother came in to talk to us about parachute rigging. She has rigged thousands of parachutes over the years and she brought in a Parachute and allowed the children to help her to rig it up.
She told us lots of interesting stories and facts about her job!
Global Suply Chain
Joseph's Father Declan came in and did a really interesting presentation on how our good travel to us from the factory floor to our shops or doorsteps. He showed us some great pictures of robots at work in the Amazon distribution centre in Arizona.
As The Cold Weather is Closing In We Decided To Make Some Food For Our Local Wild Birds. We Also Got Bird Spotting Sheets To Bring Home So We Could DO Some Bird Watching In Our Own Gardens.
Santa Came to Visit a Very Excited Bunch! We Sang Some Lovely Christmas Songs And The Children Even Got A Special Pre-Christmas Treat!
We Learned About The Artist Pablo Picasso. He Really Loved Children's Art. I Think He Would Have Also Loved Our Attempts At Cubism.
We Did Lots of Fun and Interesting Activities for Anti-Bullying Month! We Even Has An Anti-Bullying Themed Assembly. Some Children Won Awards For Their Efforts.
We Learned About the Artist Van Gough and Painted Our Own Versions of The Night Sky.
Helen came in to tell us about Humanism and the Science Behind Evolution! The Children were fascinated.
We had a Visit From Author Maguerite Tonery
Maguerite read us some thrilling pieces from her two new novels: Kapheus Earth and Kapheus Air. The whole class were enthralled at her vivid descriptions of the fantastic adventures of an elf named Lír.
We Had To Say Goodbye to Our Lovely German Friend Nora Who Worked With Us For 10 Weeks. We Miss You Nora!
Just Before Halloween We Had a Puppet Show Performed by Lír and Some Very Ghoulish Characters Came to Visit!
We Visited Babaró and Saw a Show Called Paper World
Amazing fossils!
The Children brought in some fantastic fossils for us to look at!
We Had a Visit From Athenry Musical Society.
They gave us an amazing music show and gave us a demonstration on how the Uilean Pipes are assembled and played. They also do fantastic music lessons for children of all ages.
We Made Space Stations!
While learning about homes and what we need for survival we looked at living in a space station. What would you need? Would you need a place to sleep? A space toilet perhaps? A launch pad for a rocket? First the children drew out plans. We used our knowledge of 3d shape to tessellate containers found in our recycling bin. The results were quite spectacular!